Mon, 27 August 2012
Hosted this week by Yannick Mauray of Euterpia Radio Show: The DarkCompass Podcast Show: The Justin Wayne Show Show: Euterpia Radio Show: Rathole Radio Show: Insomnia Radio Show: Suffolk 'n' Cool Show: Audio Gumshoe Show: The Bugcast |
Mon, 20 August 2012
Hosted this week by Erk of Erk FM Show: The DarkCompass Podcast Show: Erk FM Show: Euterpia Radio: Rock! Show: The Justin Wayne Show Show: Audio Gumshoe Show: Insomnia Radio Show: Suffolk And Cool Show: The Bugcast Show: Insomnia Radio: Australia Show: Erk FM: Metal Monday |
Mon, 13 August 2012
Hosted this week by Rich Palmer of Audio Gumshoe Show: Rathole Radio Show: Insomnia Radio Show: Insomnia Radio: New York Show: The DarkCompass Podcast Show: Euterpia Radio: Rock! Show: Suffolk And Cool Show: The Bugcast Show: Audio Gumshoe |
Tue, 7 August 2012
It seems that our high tech laser display reminder system about feeding the AMP hosting meter failed us last month and now our main site temporarily "down". Not personally you understand but the site has a notice that makes us feel like very naughty boys and girls who have been doing something unforgivable. Take a look at for yourself and imaging how we feel ;) Actually, it's not that bad and Dave Lee is working away at getting everything reset and the site restored in all its gleaming glory. That's about it, of course, you can still access the AMPed shows and shownotes through iTunes or your podcatcher of choice and through our page at Libsyn. You'll find us at where you can listen to Sarah Morrisons debut at the wheel of AMPed #347. If you've not heard it yet, get on over there right now, you're in for a treat. I'm pretty confident that we'll have the site restored by time the ever excellent Rich Palmer from Audio Gumshoe presents AMPed 348 from Monday. Thanks for your patience and enjoy the music. Here's an approipriately named bonus track for you. Broken Symetries by Peter Greenstone from Austin, Texas. |
Mon, 6 August 2012
Hosted this week by Sarah Morrison of Insomnia Radio: New York Show: The DarkCompass Podcast Show: Euterpia Radio Show: Audio Gumshoe Show: Suffolk And Cool Show: Idiosyncratic Transmissions Show: Insomnia Radio: New York Show: Erk FM: Metal Monday Show: Insomnia Radio:UK Show: The Bugcast |